Cleaning Breast Pump Accessories Having been a nursing mom now for almost five years, I have always taken the time to properly sanitize the breast shields and other accessories for my breast pump. However, I've noticed from time-to-time that the valves and intricate pieces begin to collect grime that the boiling water does not remove. On a whim, I submerged the accessories into a deep bowl with white vinegar in it. I leave the accessories soaking overnight and the grime magically lifts. The accessories look almost brand new after I go through this process! I use the Medela Pump In Style Advanced and this process works well for my system. I hope this helps you to clean your gear. To Clean Breast Shields and Accessories: Pull Pieces and Parts Apart Fully Submerge Your Accessories In White Vinegar Let the Parts Soak Overnight Check Accessories; Rinse the Ones That Look Clean and Let the Others Soak Longer; Periodically Check Other Accessories;...