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Showing posts from November, 2014

Toy Room Transformation on No Budget

Time for a Toy Room? Have you been wondering how to regain the space in your living room?  Do you want to encouraged your kids to play, but hate to clean up the mess?  Then it might be time for a toy room in your house.  As someone who lives on a tight budget, I thought that a toy room was out of reach for my house.  Until, my children showed me how it was possible. My little ones are six and two.  And up until a few months ago, they coexisted in their own individual worlds.  Recently, my two year old has been more engaging and my six year old has discovered his patience.  So, now they are buddies.  (Smiles, as this warms my heart, obviously!) One night not too long ago, I discovered my two year old in bed with the six year old.  He must have gotten scared and crawled into bed with him.  At the time, they had separate rooms.  (The boys' rooms are closer to each others than my room is to theirs.)  Awe, can you imagine it? ...