2014 Black Friday: What a Waste! I love Black Friday. This year, like many other moms, I had my sights set on going out for the early morning Black Friday sales and shopping until I dropped. But, unfortunately, it didn't turn out that way, and it is all the big retailers' (i.e. Walmart, Target, KMart, etc.) fault. They never should have allowed their doors to open on Thanksgiving night. Every single one of them should be ashamed for what they did to their employees, their families, and to the general public of working moms! Retailers lost sight of what is important this year: BUYING POWER. Who has the most holiday buying in the household? Moms, of course! So, here's my beef. How on Earth were we (working moms) supposed to go to work on Wednesday and cook and clean all night long, only to wake up after a 15 minute nap to start cooking again. After, cooking, serving, and entertaining all day, we were supposed to find time t...