2014 Black Friday: What a Waste!
I love Black Friday. This year, like many other moms, I had my sights set on going out for the early morning Black Friday sales and shopping until I dropped. But, unfortunately, it didn't turn out that way, and it is all the big retailers' (i.e. Walmart, Target, KMart, etc.) fault. They never should have allowed their doors to open on Thanksgiving night. Every single one of them should be ashamed for what they did to their employees, their families, and to the general public of working moms!Retailers lost sight of what is important this year: BUYING POWER. Who has the most holiday buying in the household? Moms, of course! So, here's my beef. How on Earth were we (working moms) supposed to go to work on Wednesday and cook and clean all night long, only to wake up after a 15 minute nap to start cooking again. After, cooking, serving, and entertaining all day, we were supposed to find time to read the newspaper and jet out the door for an all-night shopping spree? Give me a break.
Women's lib. was meant to prove that woman could do anything, not that they should do EVERYTHING. What a joke! Not only, was it unrealistic to think that any human being would be capable of pulling an all-nighters and be in the mood for getting some major deals, but also, they RUINED Black Friday for me.
For months, I have been excited about taking Black Friday off to go shopping. I made arrangements for people to watch my kids, so I could wake up at the crack of dawn and leave my house unattached to a child. But since the big retailers thought it would be such a good idea to turn back the clock and give the great deals on Thanksgiving evening, I never even had a shot at a great deal.
Since I missed the great deals, because I was entertaining my family and ensuring a nice Thanksgiving Day celebration, I missed out. I did end up going out on Friday morning, but the excitement that I felt in past years never happened. It was clear to me that the good deals had already been taken. I feel worn out, cheated, and angry. Next year, Walmart, do us all a favor and keep Black Friday on Friday, so us MOMs have a chance to enjoy the day. Be warned big retailers, you are on my naughty list. This year, I am going to look for more alternative ways to spend my holiday money!
For all of you moms out there, do you agree? If you figured out how to "Do It All" this year, please share your secret of how you did it in the comments below.
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