Here's the list of things not included in the ingredient list: No parabens, No synthetic dyes or fragrances, No triclosan (which happens to be a pesticide and is in most antibacterial soaps--YUCK!, No phthalates, No PEGS, No petroleumderived ingredients, No animal-derived ingredients. This soap is gluten-free and vegan.
This is the best smelling soap in the entire world. Every time I wash my hands I have to smell them. They smell like pure peppermint. After I smell them I feel invigorated. It's like getting my hands clean and aromatherapy at the same time.
The price for this soap is at a higher price point than I usually like, however, it's not outrageous for all the benefits it gives you. (It's $15.99 for 8 oz., which lasted me a month and a half.)
If you are in the market for a gift for a self present, definitely purchase this soap.,1274,218.aspx#overview
By clicking this link, you will purchase the soap from Melissa. Let's support her for exposing us to the awesomeness that is Norwex Peppermint Foaming Hand Wash. :)
Please share what your favorite all-natural hand soaps are in the comments section below.
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